Early Childhood Career Day
Those Who Can Teach! Conference
Early Childhood Career Day at New River Community College
Date: October 22, 2024
Location: New River Community College
Description: The second annual NRCC ECE Career Day was held at the New River Community College Dublin campus. The event was a collaboration between NRCC’s Human Services and Early Childhood Education programs, the Early Childhood Initiatives at Virginia Tech, and The Community Foundation of the NRV’s First Steps Initiative to educate and recruit future early educators to the field. NRCC hosted 66 high school students from all five localities in the New River Valley and 27 adults for a workforce session bringing together CTE administrators, high school teachers and counselors, early education program administrators and community organization leaders that support children and families in the community. The students participated in four workshops with hands-on activities to explore and learn about this year’s focus, “Academics and Play,” facilitated by experts in the field of early childhood from programs serving children and families in the community, including Head Start, ME, MINE, & US Montessori, VTCDCLR, Rainbow Riders, Blue Mountain School and NRCC Human Services and Early Childhood Education. Other organizations provided resources and information displays and activities, engaging students during lunch in opportunities to learn about support services and professional development pathways in early education. The high school students were inspired by the variety of early childhood professionals available during the Career Day to see the extensive career opportunities available in early childhood beginning with entry level jobs that require a minimum of a high school diploma and Child Development Associate (CDA), to positions that recommend two- and four- year degrees in early childhood, and then graduate credentials in child development and education.
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Kim Thomason below.