Community Leaders
NRV Child Care Summit Series
The NRV Child Care Summit Series is led by Virginia Tech in partnership with the Community Foundation of the NRV. This series is an opportunity to share information about the state of child care in the NRV, highlight creative ways that employers have supported the child care industry, and share ideas for short and long-term investments of time and talent to stabilize and grow the sector.


A Guide to Supporting the New River Valley’s Early Childhood Educators
Business, government, and community leaders recognize that childcare is essential to recruiting and retaining talent in our region, yet the childcare workforce is underpaid and overburdened. This guide provides insight into how you can support the early childhood workforce.
External Partnerships

The Community Foundation of the New River Valley: First Steps
Established in 2016, First Steps is a network of agencies and individuals working to support young children and families in the New River Valley.

Voices for Virginia's Children
Voices for Virginia’s Children is the commonwealth’s only independent, multi-issue child policy and advocacy organization.

Virginia Promise Partnership
The Virginia Promise Partnership works to ensure all Virginia families have access to affordable, quality child care by 2030, regardless of income. Join them in supporting our child care system today!
The list of resources, programs, and organizations, external and not affiliated with the university, are for informational purposes and are not endorsed by Virginia Tech. Please consult the necessary professionals, including medical and financial, to determine what is most suitable for your particular needs.