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Virginia Tech recognizes the growing concerns among faculty, staff, and students regarding the availability of affordable quality care and early education. A child care working group was formed to develop a vision and strategy for the future of caregiving in support of the university community. The language and scope has been broadened to be inclusive in scope from infant care to elder care. Currently, a care-focused executive working group is gathering university and other expertise to provide resources to the Virginia Tech community as well as create policies related to caregiving. The executive and advisory working groups will work alongside each other to develop caregiving initiatives, programs, and policies for university employees and students. In coordination, these groups will create budget requests to support new and enhanced programs, resources, and services and to advocate for the required funding. Data and other information to assess and respond to the needs of the university community and support the funding requests will be gathered through surveys and other analytic strategies.


Working Groups

Executive Working Group

Purpose: Develop vision and strategy for future of caregiving in support of the university community.  Advance caregiving initiatives, programs, and policies for university employees and students. Advocate funding strategies and coordinate budget requests in support of new or enhanced programs and services. Sponsor survey and other data analytic strategies.

  • President’s Office/Strategic Initiatives, Lisa Wilkes, Chair
  • Human Resources, Bryan Garey
  • Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Ron Fricker
  • Early Childhood Education Initiatives, Kim Thomason

Advisory Working Group

Purpose: Identify early childhood education programs and services to enhance affordability, accessibility, quality, and flexibility. Develop recommendations for consideration by the Executive Working Group. Conduct assessment and benchmarking.  

  • Early Childhood Education Initiatives, Kim Thomason, chair
  • A/P Faculty Representatives, Brandy Morse and Mallory Tuttle
  • CDCLR, Karen Gallagher
  • Graduate Student, Olawumi Rafiat Kaka
  • Faculty Representatives, Katie Carmicheal and Brittany Howell
  • Hokie Wellness, Ana Agud
  • Little Hokies Hangout, Marin Riegger
  • Staff Representatives, Denise Crawford
  • Women’s Center/Provost’s Office, Christine Dennis-Smith and Anna LoMascolo
  • GA Support to ECE Initiatives, Isabel Valdivia